My May & Mother’s Day Wish for You

Wishing all the Mom’s out there a Very Happy Mother’s Day and those that aren’t the same as well!

We are all moms in one way or another (ok – sorry to the men out there, this is for the females in your life:), taking care of others is what we do for our friends or family and not just our own children! But, first we must take care of ourselves!

So, No Diet Day has come and gone.  I hear and see so many people who are trying to lose weight and are using products, pills, potions, or diets.  My initial response is “stop!” Why are you doing this to your body?  First of all, please know that diets don’t work and people usually end up gaining more weight in the long run.  So, why are we so drawn to them versus trying to change our lifestyle habits towards those that are healthy and sustainable?  I am still working on those answers and welcome responses!

The truth is that for long term success you need to accept where you are at and commit to small changes, making those a habit. Sometimes, taking our focus of the number on the scale and using our energy in a positive way is all that matters! The weight will come!  Learning to trust your body is a process and it takes time (not the “quick fix” promised by all the popular plans and products out there).

Two “S’s” can also play a major role in weight management.  Stress and sleep!  How are you doing with these? Do you get 7-9 hours of sleep daily? This is another trend I often see.  Lack of sleep and increased stress raise negative hormone (ie – cortisol) levels in the body.  No matter how much exercise and eating right you do, your body is still fighting back!  Finding ways to de-stress is a great place to start for improving your overall health and wellness and achieving your body’s natural, healthy weight as well as ensuring adequate sleep.

Focus first on getting regular sleep, de-stress and do activities you enjoy for physical activity.  Eat regular meals (not skipping) and include a good source of protein, carbohydrate and fat with each meal and snack and you will be on your way to wellness!  And, do consider the No Diet Day a forever commitment!  It is truly one your body will thank you for.  Whether you are a mom or not, your body needs the nutrients to fuel for healthy living.  It’s really quite simple, yet I think we make it more difficult on ourselves.

What steps are you taking to give your body the gift of health?  Remember, if you don’t care of your body, where are you going to live?