Bite Into A Healthy Lifestyle ~ National Nutrition Month 2015

While most of us are hoping March doesn’t come in like a lion and that it does go out like lamb, despite the weather, it is also National Nutrition Month. I love this year’s theme “Bite into A Healthy Lifestyle,” as it coincides exactly with my taglines and passions of “Making Healthy Choices, One Bite at a Time” and “Eat Well, Live Well!”

When you think about nutrition, what does it mean for you?  Your family? What are your struggles?  It seems in today’s world, sadly, there are just way too many diets, gimmicks, product labeling confusion, and pressure to eat a certain way!  I hope to share tid-bits throughout the month that reinforce the fact that nutrition is all about YOU. Not what everyone else is doing or what the latest fad diet is. It comes down to simple and nutritious eating ~ which also means ~ moderation and that all foods can and do fit into a healthy lifestyle!

Some questions to ask yourself:

Do you have a plan focused on your  long-term health, not just hoping for an overnight quick fix?

Are you eating breakfast every day?  If not, why?

Are you planning your meals ~ lunch and supper? If not, why? And, what could help you do this better?

What are barriers to eating healthy?

Are you incorporating regular, physical activity on a daily basis?  And, this doesn’t mean sweating for an hour at the gym.  Even small (5-10 minute) breaks during your work day or at home throughout the day can and do really help!  Exercise is also free medicine and helps us feel good! Find something you enjoy and reap the benefits!

I look forward to sharing more throughout the month! Let me know what’s on your mind related to nutrition and wellness! And, remember, a registered dietitian nutritionist can develop a personalized nutrition plan that meets your individual needs!